Steps to Upgrade NAV to D365 Business Central Online in USA

Jack Ryan
4 min readAug 1, 2024


Upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Dynamics 365 Business Central (D365 BC) Online is a significant move for businesses looking to leverage advanced features, improved performance, and the flexibility of a cloud-based ERP system. The transition can seem daunting, but with a well-structured plan, the upgrade process can be smooth and beneficial. In this guide, we will outline the steps to upgrade NAV to D365 Business Central in the USA, ensuring a seamless transition that maximizes the potential of your ERP system.

Upgrade your NAV to Business Central: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Assessment and Planning

The first step in the upgrade process is a thorough assessment and planning phase. This involves understanding your current NAV environment, identifying the customizations and integrations in place, and determining the scope of the upgrade.

Analyze the current system.

Begin by analyzing your existing NAV system. Take inventory of all customizations, third-party applications, and integrations. This analysis will help you understand what needs to be migrated, what can be retired, and what needs to be re-implemented in D365 BC.

Define Objectives

Clearly define the objectives of the upgrade. What do you hope to achieve by moving to D365 BC Whether it’s improved efficiency, better reporting capabilities, or an enhanced user experience, having clear goals will guide your upgrade strategy.

Develop a Project Plan

Develop a detailed project plan that outlines the timeline, resources, and key milestones for the upgrade. Include risk assessment and mitigation strategies to address potential challenges during the process. A well-structured plan is crucial for a successful upgrade.

Step 2: Data Migration

Data migration is a critical part of Upgrade NAV to D365 Business Central in the USA Ensuring that your data is accurately and efficiently transferred is essential for maintaining business continuity.

Data Cleanup.

Before migrating your data, perform a data cleanup to remove any redundant or obsolete information. This step ensures that only relevant and accurate data is migrated to the new system, reducing the chances of errors and improving overall system performance.

Data Mapping

Map your NAV data to the corresponding fields in D365 BC. This involves identifying how data from your current system will be translated into the new system’s structure. Tools like Microsoft’s Data Migration Tool can assist in this process, making it more streamlined and less prone to errors.

Test Migration

Conduct a test migration to identify any potential issues and ensure that the data transfer process is smooth. This step helps in validating the accuracy of the data mapping and identifying any discrepancies that need to be addressed before the final migration.

Step 3: Customizations and Extensions

One of the advantages of D365 Business Central is its flexibility in terms of customizations and extensions. However, managing these during the upgrade process requires careful consideration.

Review Existing Customizations

Review all existing customizations in your NAV system. Determine which customizations are still relevant and necessary for your business processes. Some customizations may be obsolete or can be replaced by standard features in D365 BC.

Re-implement Customizations

For the customizations that need to be retained, re-implement them in D365 BC. This might involve rewriting custom code or using extensions to achieve the same functionality. Extensions in D365 BC offer a more modular and maintainable way to handle customizations compared to traditional code modifications.

Utilize Extensions

Leverage the power of extensions in D365 BC to add new functionalities. Extensions allow you to customize your ERP system without modifying the base code, making future upgrades easier and less disruptive. Explore the AppSource marketplace for pre-built extensions that can enhance your system.

Step 4: Training and Change Management

Upgrading to D365 Business Central is not just a technical change; it also involves significant changes for your users. Proper training and change management are crucial to ensuring a smooth transition and user adoption.

Develop a Training Plan

Create a comprehensive training plan that covers all aspects of D365 BC. Include training sessions for different user roles, focusing on the specific functionalities and processes relevant to each group. Interactive training methods, such as hands-on workshops and webinars, can be particularly effective.

Communicate Changes

Clearly communicate the changes and benefits of the new system to your users. Address any concerns or resistance they might have and highlight how D365 BC will improve their daily tasks and overall productivity. Open communication helps in building a positive attitude towards the upgrade.

Provide Ongoing Support

Offer ongoing support to users post-upgrade. This can include a dedicated helpdesk, regular Q&A sessions, and continuous learning resources. Ensuring that users have access to support will help them adapt more quickly and efficiently to the new system.

Step 5: Post-Upgrade Optimization

After successfully upgrading to D365 Business Central Online, the work doesn’t stop there. Post-upgrade optimization is essential to fully leverage the capabilities of the new system and continuously improve your business processes.

Monitor System Performance

Regularly monitor the performance of your D365 BC system. Identify any performance bottlenecks and address them promptly. Monitoring tools and analytics can provide insights into system usage and help you optimize performance.

Evaluate Business Processes

Evaluate your business processes in the context of the new system. Look for opportunities to streamline and improve workflows using the advanced features of D365 BC. This continuous improvement approach ensures that you are getting the most out of your ERP investment.

Plan for Future Upgrades

D365 BC is a continuously evolving platform with regular updates and new features. Plan for future upgrades by staying informed about new releases and enhancements. Having a proactive upgrade strategy will ensure that your system remains up-to-date and takes advantage of the latest innovations.

What happens after completing the technical upgrade of NAV to Business Central?

1. Data Validation: Ensuring that all data has migrated correctly and is accurate.

2. User Training: Conducting training sessions to familiarize users with new features and interface changes.

3. System Testing: Running comprehensive tests to verify system performance and identify any issues.

4. Customization Review: Assessing and updating any customizations to ensure they are compatible with Business Central.

5. Integration Checks: Verifying that all third-party integrations are functioning properly with the new system.



Jack Ryan

I am a seasoned CRM software developer with a passion for creating tailored solutions that amplify customer relationships and drive business growth.